As we previously advised, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is preparing to issue a national coverage determination (NCD) for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) using antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV under Medicare Part B. In response to questions from stakeholders, CMS released FAQs on June 25, 2024, to guide pharmacies through certain enrollment and billing intricacies.

Specifically, pharmacies are instructed that no new Medicare enrollment is needed if pharmacies are already enrolled in Medicare as a Part B pharmacy or a durable medical equipment, prosthetic, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) supplier. However, if the pharmacy is not currently enrolled in Medicare, they should consider enrolling as a Part B pharmacy rather than a DMEPOS supplier so that they are not subject to the supplier standards, accreditation and surety bond requirements.

CMS also provides pharmacies with appropriate ICD-10 CM diagnosis codes and J-codes to include with claims and instructs pharmacies that the date the drug is picked up or mailed should be entered as the date of service. Finally, recognizing that some pharmacies will fill orders for injectable PrEP to be administered by qualified practitioners, pharmacies may include a claim for the supplying fee along with a claim for the drug where appropriate. CMS anticipates that the final NCD will be posted and effective in late September 2024. The NCD is expected to be similar to the proposed NCD published on July 12, 2023.

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