Exploring Critical Business and Legal Issues across the Healthcare and Life Sciences Industries
Exploring Critical Business and Legal Issues across the Healthcare and Life Sciences Industries
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McDermott and EY at the 2022 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Healthcare Private Equity Leaders Forum

During this session, leading private equity investors explored key drivers and trends across diverse industry subsectors. They examined how shifting regulations and the upcoming 2022 midterm elections may alter the deal landscape and mapped out strategies for adapting and thriving amid change. Panelists also offered their exclusive insights into emerging opportunities in health information technology (IT) and forecasted the next evolution of today’s hypercompetitive market.

Below are the top takeaways for McDermott and EY at the 2022 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Healthcare Private Equity Leaders Forum

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From a macroeconomic perspective, the US healthcare market has seen growth through the COVID-19 crisis because of unprecedented government intervention, a significant rebound in consumer spending (although with pockets of softness) and an outlook for historically high nominal growth as COVID-19’s impact recedes but price inflation takes center stage. Although healthcare spending and employment levels have largely returned to pre-pandemic levels, the spread of the Omicron variant poses a threat to this stability, and the labor supply faces serious challenges. Workforce shortages have yielded significantly higher rates of labor cost growth—particularly in post-acute care—helping to drive healthcare inflation. While rising inflation will not necessarily inhibit healthcare deal activity, if corporate interest rates increase, healthcare investments could be affected.

In this current economic environment, investors are paying attention to entities and innovations with the potential to relieve constraints on the healthcare system. Prominent [...]

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McDermott and EY at the 2022 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Life Sciences Investment Forum

Despite offering one of the lowest total deal values on record, 2021 was an active M&A year. Due to the strong capital markets, a seller’s market continued, creating additional urgency for biopharma companies to accelerate their partnership agendas, especially to access new modalities that are likely to be the cornerstone of future growth. The past year also put the MedTech industry in a position of strength. With record levels of firepower, transformational M&A is still a possibility. Yet with soaring valuations in the sector and the ready availability of capital through booming VC, IPO and SPAC markets, MedTechs, too, need a creative approach to dealmaking strategy if they are to secure future growth.

During the Life Sciences Investment Forum, two panels addressed the above topics. First, biopharma leaders discussed the current state of innovation and how companies can use dealmaking to access new products and/or technologies in 2022. Then, M&A leaders from MedTech organizations and private equity firms shared insights and best practices for their 2022 plans.

M&A FirePower: BioPharma

M&A FirePower: MedTech

Below are the top takeaways for McDermott and EY at the 2022 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Life Sciences Investment Forum

Download the PDF here.

The explosion in new therapeutic modalities like mRNA or cell therapy is [...]

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5 Questions with a Life Sciences Lawyer: Brian Malkin

Brian Malkin
Practice Focus Area: FDA (Health Industry Advisory)
Office: Washington, D.C.
Years at Firm: 1+

What is your favorite part about practicing life sciences law at McDermott?
I joined McDermott because of the depth of expertise in its life science practice, which I had been missing at other specialty or large law firms. The depth of expertise allows us to work collaboratively for clients, each with different disciplines and strengths. My favorite parts of practice at McDermott are the opportunities for us to work in cross-collaborations, because it allows us each to offer input and provide added value to our clients from these different perspectives without the need to form working groups from multiple firms.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
My practice in FDA and IP law focuses primarily on pharmaceutical and biological product development and life cycle intellectual property protection. While the COVID pandemic has been detrimental in many aspects, in some sense it has opened an opportunity for increased contact with the agency for new product development, particularly for products to treat COVID, rare or orphan diseases and other unmet needs.

I particularly enjoy helping companies have successful meetings with FDA to obtain valuable product development input, as well as address any challenges that come up during the way. At the same time, [...]

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5 Questions with a Health Policy Specialist: Deborah Godes

Deborah Godes
Focus Area: Market Access Strategies
Office: Washington, D.C.
Years at McDermott+Consulting: 8

What is your favorite part about your health policy work at McDermott+Consulting?
For me, I love the people with whom I work. It may sound a bit cliché but the people on the Market Access team at McDermottPlus each contribute in a critical way, whether it is their wealth of knowledge from their decades of experience, their analytical approach to challenges and their expertise with critical data sets, or their fresh perspective to an ongoing challenge. While we may have different roles and responsibilities in the development or execution of the strategy, we are always working together as one with the client to achieve the optimal outcome.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
I work with clients that are bringing innovative solutions to the market whether diagnostic tests, medical devices or healthcare services, a number of which are artificial intelligence-based solutions. The biggest opportunity and the greatest challenge for our clients is the level of uncertainty from a reimbursement perspective. Some clients are introducing new concepts that the Administration has not considered previously which creates opportunities for these companies to set new precedent. However, the novelty creates challenges because the Administration may not have historically viewed medical devices or diagnostic tests in that way so it requires a change in [...]

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5 Questions with a Life Sciences Lawyer: Doug Carsten

Doug H. Carsten
Practice Focus Area: Patient Litigation
Office: Orange County
Years at Firm: Joined in March 2021

What is your favorite part about practicing life sciences law at McDermott?
I love working with the incredibly talented partners and associates in McDermott Will & Emery’s life sciences group. The level of disparate practice group talent here is remarkable, and I am so excited to collaborate with this team to help our fantastic life sciences clients.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
Biggest opportunity: To work with our life sciences team!
Seriously, the biggest opportunity and challenge facing our life sciences clients are the same – the current pandemic landscape. As an opportunity, life sciences companies have never before been so much in the spotlight and viewed as a potential answer to the COVID-19 virus. On the other hand, the very nature of the pandemic has deeply affected and really changed how life sciences – and all companies – conduct business.

What kind of client work gets you most excited when it comes across your desk?
My true love is trying cases. It doesn’t matter what the issue is – if there is a trial involved, I am excited. Secondarily, I really enjoy unpacking complex fact patterns and developing strategies that the client hadn’t thought of to get around particular challenges.

What [...]

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HPE New York 2021: Prepare for Tomorrow

Kevin Miller—a partner at McDermott Will & Emery whose practice largely focuses on the securities, tax and regulatory aspects of complex transactions—moderated a panel during HPE New York 2021 that looked at how government actions will impact the market. The panel feature:

  • Diane Daych, Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Granite Growth Health Partner
  • Brian Fortune, Senior Managing Director, Farragut Square Group
  • Mara McDermott, Vice President, McDermott+Consulting
  • Alex Ruiz, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery
  • Thomas Scully, General Partner, Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe

Access the full takeaways here.
Watch the session recording here.

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5 Questions with a Health Lawyer: Travis Jackson

Travis Jackson
Practice Focus Area: Hospital and Health System M&A
Office: Los Angeles
Years at Firm: Joined in May 2021

  1. What is your favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott? 

The people are my favorite part of being at McDermott. I am not just repeating some “corporate speak” I learned in orientation when I say that. Each person recognizes that we are part of the same team. Our collective success depends on our ability to meet and exceed our clients’ goals. Doing that consistently takes a selfless approach that we exemplify. As a firm, McDermott has unique capabilities across the healthcare industry, regardless of what the issue might be; we work with a commitment of being prepared to assist one another whenever necessary to bring that collective experience to bear on a unique transaction question or regulatory issue. I think that shared philosophy distinguishes us from many of our peers.

  1. What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?


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5 Questions with a Health Lawyer: Dana Dombey

Dana Dombey
Practice Focus Area: Healthcare M&A
Office: Miami
Years at Firm: 8 years

What is your favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott?
Without question, our team. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with colleagues who are both the top experts in the field and people of the highest caliber, who deeply care about each other and who I can call good friends.

I also really enjoy the creative problem-solving aspects of the job, which comes up frequently in both my transactional and regulatory practices as well as the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues to navigate complex issues for clients.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
I generally work with healthcare providers and investors in the healthcare industry, including private equity funds, on transactional and regulatory matters. Our clients have the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovative technologies, care delivery models, and collaboration in a rapidly evolving industry where even the smallest of players can have a significant impact. From my perspective, the biggest challenge facing healthcare investors is the increasingly competitive, seller-friendly market. With only a limited number of assets available for investments, we work closely with our healthcare investor clients to develop creative value propositions for healthcare providers and founders of healthcare companies.

What kind [...]

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5 Questions with a Health Lawyer: Li Wang

Li Wang
Practice Focus Area: Transactions and Health Privacy
Office: New York
Years at Firm: 4 years

What is your favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott?
In Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, author Adam Grant discusses how knowledge collaboration (and a culture of giving) contributes to more success for organizations. My favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott is its embodiment of knowledge collaboration where ideas are bounced off of healthcare experts within the group and solutions are developed through contributions from the full team. When you have multiple experts thinking through an issue from multiple angles, the end product inevitably results in high quality. I am grateful and proud to get to be a part of the collaborative culture of the team that has been consistently ranked the best in the nation.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
Constituents in the healthcare industry are looking for innovation and reduction in inefficiencies. Just as players in other industries, such as consumer products, are always looking for the next big invention. Healthcare constituents are also seeking products, services and collaborations that they hope will improve everyday lives at the most efficient cost. We have seen innovations in telehealth, app-based healthcare services, vertical collaborations, etc., and I believe we are just at the tip of [...]

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5 Questions with a Health Lawyer: Tony Maida

Tony Maida
Practice Focus Area: Health
Office: New York
Years at Firm: 6 years

What is your favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott?
The people and the variety. I have to be honest that when I left government service with the HHS Office of Inspector General, I did not expect to find even a similar type of camaraderie at Big Law given the time pressures and demands. I have been pleasantly surprised by how the health group truly functions as a team. People help each other out, whether it is to contribute to a pitch, thought piece, or client project, and do so with enthusiasm. This espirit de corps is an ingrained part of the culture.

And I am happiest when I have variety in my work. At McDermott, I work with clients across the healthcare spectrum, from health systems, physician practices and post-acute providers and suppliers, life sciences and technology companies as well as payors. These clients present many regulatory issues to grapple with and having this broad industry viewpoint helps give the best-informed advice and identify practical solutions.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
It is a bit of a cliché to say healthcare is always changing, but sometimes clichés are true. We have a confluence of a few large issues 1) changing payment models in part driven by government budgets and aging population, [...]

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