Exploring Critical Business and Legal Issues across the Healthcare and Life Sciences Industries
Exploring Critical Business and Legal Issues across the Healthcare and Life Sciences Industries
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Unclaimed Property Laws and the Health Industry: Square Peg, Round Hole

Likely due to the tremendous number of healthcare mergers, acquisitions, and private equity deals that have been taking place, the industry has recently been the target of multistate unclaimed property audits. This increased scrutiny has highlighted many of the complexities and tensions that exist in this space. At almost every stage of the process, healthcare industry holders are pressured by state unclaimed property auditors and administrators to fit a square peg in a round hole – something both they and their advocates should continue to vigorously push back against.

Determining whether any “property” exists to report in the first instance can be a daunting task in an industry where multiple parties are involved in a single patient transaction that is documented by complex business arrangements between sophisticated parties, which are updated and accounted for on a rolling basis. Unclaimed property audits are conducted in a vacuum of one single holder and use standard document requests that were developed to apply to all businesses, creating unrealistic record retention and management expectations that almost never neatly align with healthcare industry laws or practices.

Making matters worse, unclaimed property auditors and voluntary disclosure agreement (VDA) administrators frequently do not have a detailed understanding of the complex healthcare privacy, billing, and payment practices, yet these practices materially impact how providers manage unclaimed property and when they report it. Getting them up to speed on these laws, practices, and procedures can be very time-consuming. For example, providers or their advisors may need to explain to [...]

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Five Questions With a Health Lawyer: Stacey L. Callaghan

Stacey L. Callaghan
Practice Focus Area: Health and Life Sciences, Innovative Care Delivery
Office: Chicago
Years at Firm: 5

What is your favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott?
My favorite part about practicing healthcare law here at McDermott is the phenomenal team. There are thought leaders in every sub-specialty you can imagine, and the people I work with everyday are genuinely kind, good people. I have worked at other firms with a shorter bench; the ease with which we are able to navigate incredibly complex issues here is special. I also love that the firm and practice group encourage us to develop areas about which we are passionate. Because of this, I’ve been fortunate to become the co-chair of our Women’s Digital Health Initiative.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
The biggest opportunity and the greatest challenge are both the fact that healthcare law is changing so rapidly, especially in the innovative care delivery space following the COVID-19 pandemic. There is more opportunity than ever before for healthcare companies and other stakeholders to be creative with their partnerships and their use of technology, but healthcare laws and regulations are still catching up to the innovation in many cases.

What advice would you give to junior lawyers looking to build their practice in your focus area?
I would [...]

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Five Questions With a Health Lawyer: Andrea Zazulia

Andrea Zazulia
Practice Focus Area: Healthcare Transactions and M&A
Office: Miami
Years at Firm: 5+

What is your favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott?
I am grateful to be part of a health and life sciences team that is truly world-class. Our group is intentional about collaboration and innovation. Having a bench of thought leaders in every niche of healthcare is an invaluable resource for providing comprehensive and cohesive counsel to our clients, and for training and career growth. I also think our overlap between healthcare regulatory and transactional knowledge is unmatched and allows us to provide practical guidance to clients, whether they are trying to get deals done or build and run their businesses.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
The effective implementation of artificial intelligence and the security and use of protected health information are undoubtedly going to be among the biggest drivers of success and failure in the health industry over the next five to ten years. There is incredible potential for improvement in efficiency and quality of care, but as we have seen, there is also significant risk. The health services sector (e.g., physician and dental offices, hospitals) could particularly benefit from leveraging this technology to lower costs and improve patient outcomes. However, implementation will require a thoughtful and measured approach [...]

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Five Questions With a Health Lawyer: Jim Owens

Jim Owens
Practice Focus Area: Healthcare
Office: Los Angeles
Years at Firm: 8+

What is your favorite part about practicing healthcare law at McDermott?
The lawyers and other professionals here, first and foremost. We have an amazingly talented team with a wealth of experience advising sophisticated clients in all segments of the healthcare industry. The substantive law depth and breadth, market knowledge, and geographic scope of our healthcare practice is impressive and makes us the best in the business. It is truly the “A team,” and it enables me to bring together the full spectrum of healthcare law advisers to provide a one-stop-shop of high-quality services for our clients. I also enjoy working with our smart and successful clients who value our work and who treat us as members of their team.

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
My practice is focused primarily on representing health systems and hospitals. Some of the biggest challenges facing our clients are diminishing margins caused by declining reimbursement and rising costs, physician and nursing shortages in the face of an aging population, and increased regulatory hurdles to many types of healthcare transactions. Some of the biggest opportunities include innovative partnerships among providers for specific types of services, and innovations in digital health and artificial intelligence in [...]

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Five Questions With a Life Sciences Lawyer: Michael Ryan

Michael Ryan
Practice Focus Area: Market Access (Diagnostics, Life Sciences)
Office: Washington, DC
Years at Firm: 16

What is your favorite part about practicing life sciences law at McDermott?
Clients come to us with difficult questions that require not just a command of the law, but an in-depth understanding of their business – and in some cases, the technology that makes their business different. Even after more than 16 years, I’m constantly learning something new, and the job is never boring!

What is the biggest opportunity and greatest challenge facing clients in your area of focus today?
Diagnostics companies face a lot of challenges, such as IP and fundraising. But in my corner of the world, the biggest problem is the timeline to reimbursement. It can take companies three to five years to get reimbursement from the time they think they’re market ready. The length of this pathway creates many challenges, but also substantial opportunity for those clients who are able to make it through.

What advice would you give to junior lawyers looking to build their practice in your focus area?
Be curious, particularly when it comes to the science underlying a technology. Many lawyers are reluctant to get too “in the weeds,” but it can be a real differentiator when your clients see that you really understand how the technology works and how [...]

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Top Takeaways | Risk-Adjustment Roulette: Strategies for Navigating the Shifting Landscape

McDermott Will & Emery Partner Ankur Goel moderated a panel during the Value-Based Care Symposium that focused on the risk-adjustment landscape and provided insights into how the regulatory environment and contractual partnerships may continue to shift in the coming years. The panelists shared their experiences navigating the current enforcement environment and the corresponding impact on value-based care and investment opportunities.

Session panelists included:

  • Jeffrey De Los Reyes, Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal, Healthcare Industry Group
  • Wayne T. Gibson, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
  • Kanika Sabor, Managing Director, Healthcare Disputes and Economics, Ankura Consulting
  • Timothy J. Wilder, FSA, MAAA, Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman

Top takeaways included:

  1. Increased complexity of RADV audits. The methodologies for risk adjustment data validation (RADV) audits are more complex and have a broader reach than before, impacting how sampling is approached and how extrapolation is allocated back to providers by Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. The recent changes apply to US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) RADV audits, which means the potential financial risk is higher. Providers and Medicare Advantage organizations must analyze the potential impact of these changes and become better prepared to respond to these audits.
  2. Greater collaboration between payors and providers. The changes brought about by the RADV audits will likely encourage more collaboration between payors and providers, as both parties will need to be more knowledgeable about what goes into their payments. Payors may also [...]

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Top Takeaways | Employer Market Perspective

In this session, McDermott Will & Emery Partner Patrick Healy moderated a panel that examined the expansion of value-based care in the employer market. We summarize the panel’s insights on how stakeholders can successfully implement value-based models in the employer market.

Session panelists included:

  • Mark Miller, Chief Commercial Officer, Wildflower Health
  • Simeon Niles, Vice President of Health Care Innovation, Morgan Health
  • Carl Landry III, Director, Healthcare Strategy, Guidehouse

Top takeaways included:

  1. Motivated by the unsustainable increase in healthcare spending and new consolidation and joint ventures among providers and health insurers, there is an accelerated need for solutions in the employer market. If the employer market does not self-regulate, the market fears that regulators will step in.
  2. Regarding the relationship between employers with self-funded plans and third-party administrators (especially those owned by health insurers), there is confidence that third-party administrators’ historical relationships with employers will generate more turnkey programs producing easier-to-integrate value-based care models.
  3. There is a particular emphasis on how smaller employers will utilize employee data and implement value-based care models in comparison to jumbo employers.
  4. Significant interest in the jumbo-employer market is met with limited adoption and penetration of value-based care models when compared to the Medicare/Medicaid space. It is unclear whether these challenges are due to structural issues in the employer market limiting the pace of adoption. Such structural issues include employers as individual purchasers of coverage (as opposed to aggregate bulk purchasers); associated pools of covered lives too small for providers to take risk; [...]

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VBC Symposium 2023 | Washington Update

During this session, Mara McDermott, former Vice President, McDermott+Consulting, moderated a panel that discussed the current political and policymaking environment on Capitol Hill and what to watch for in 2023.

Session panelists included:

  • Dr. Lauren Lyles-Stolz, Senior Director, Reimbursement, Innovation and Advocacy, National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS)
  • Aisha Pittman, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, National Association of ACOs (NAACOS)
  • Soumi Saha, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Premier Inc.
  • Moderator: Mara McDermott, former Vice President, McDermott+Consulting

Top takeaways included:

  1. Legislative and regulatory stakeholders have created a number of opportunities to engage in value-based care, including through the creation of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) and the Medicare Shared Savings Progam (MSSP). However, many of these initiatives have been—and continue to be—influenced by political and agency decision making. Therefore, educating members of Congress on why value is important remains a top priority.
  2. Stakeholders are advocating for greater predictability and alignment across value-based initiatives. There are many competing interests in the system today, with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) initiatives trending in different directions (e.g., Medicare Advantage versus MSSP). There are questions regarding how pharmacy services can better integrate into value-based care, how to engage specialists, how to sustain Medicare Advantage and more. Creating a pathway for all of these initiatives and stakeholders to coexist will be challenging, but could lead to greater value.
  3. Better data is needed across programs. Faster, higher-quality data would allow CMS to more quickly cost-correct during the [...]

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Investing In a Healthier Future: The Investor’s Perspective On Value-Based Care

In this session, McDermott Will & Emery Partner Joel Rush moderated a discussion exploring investors’ interests in, opinions on and strategies for entering the value-based care (VBC) market. The panel discussed factors taken into consideration when choosing if and when to invest in VBC opportunities, issues that arise when collaborating with health systems, and ways to evaluate risk models and support improved care delivery.

Session panelists included:

  • Lauren Brueggen, Partner, Heritage Group
  • Devin Carty, Chief Executive Officer, Martin Ventures
  • Roger Kueny, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, Alignment
  • David Pontius, Partner, WindRose Health Investors
  • Karey Witty, Managing Director, Valtruis

Top takeaways included:

  1. When it comes to investing in VBC, the tailwinds are just beginning to pick up after the COVID-19 pandemic reduced reimbursement volume. During that time, physician practices that were leaning on fee-for-service (FFS) reimbursements saw their volumes drop close to zero during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hospitals began to get crushed by the rates, and much of the volume has yet to return to normal. One way to solve this problem is by moving physician practices into VBC and to demonstrating that VBC is a bonus, not a penalty, and probably the only way to get back to the earnings they previously had. Also, when looking at hospital systems, investor-based hospitals performed significantly better during the pandemic. Innovative programs like the Accountable Care Organizations Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (ACO REACH) model are showing hospitals and physicians that the market is experiencing a technology shift, [...]

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Top Takeaways | How to Succeed in CMMI Payment Models

In this session, McDermott Will & Emery partner Matthew Perreault moderated a panel that discussed the current state of value-based care in original Medicare and lessons learned from the panelists’ experiences with various Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) models.

Session panelists included:

  • Rob Cetti, President, CareAllies
  • Stanley D. Crittenden, MD, FASN, CHS, Chief Medical Officer, Evergreen Nephrology
  • Tim Gronniger, Chief Value-Based Solutions Officer, Signify Health
  • Kim Phan, Chief Executive Officer, CareConnectMD
  • Moderator: Matthew Perreault, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery

Top takeaways included:

  1. When evaluating participation in CMMI models, stakeholders should recognize that the models are focused on innovation and may be more susceptible to redesign and changes in CMMI priorities than Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) models. Participants in CMMI value-based care models must be ready to engage with changes that will impact revenue. The desire of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to build around full-risk models and streamline benchmarks may have larger-than-anticipated economic impacts for stakeholders with conservative investment views.
  2. High-needs populations under the Accountable Care Organizations Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (ACO REACH) and specialty models, such as the Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting model, offer an opportunity to address historically neglected patient populations. To succeed, companies must align with physicians to ensure that their physicians understand and employ the right tools to improve the quality measures that CMS establishes, such as patient activation measures, and foster patient engagement.
  3. In contrast to the widespread adoption of ACO participation by primary [...]

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